In the age of digitalization, the dynamics of business processes, as well as the unfavorable epidemiological situation, are forcing Businesses to expand the corporate network beyond office premises, thereby disappearing the physical boundaries of the network, which creates new threats to protected information and poses new challenges to information security specialists.
Protection against leaks of confidential information is part of the comprehensive information protection in the organization and includes a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety and integrity of confidential information used in the organization. These include organizational measures and technical protection measures.
Organizational measures include the introduction of a trade secret regime, the development, and implementation of relevant local regulations, and work with personnel. To technical measures – the initial assessment of the security of the information resources of the organization and the implementation of the selected protection measures.
The following technical protection measures can be used:
- anti-virus protection;
- means of protection against unauthorized access;
- means of protecting the virtualization environment;
- systems of protection against leaks of confidential information (DLP);
- firewalls;
- cryptographic information transformation systems (encryption);
- privileged account management systems;
- and others.
Depending on the size of the organization, the types of activities, and the level of maturity in terms of information security, various means and methods are required to ensure that confidential information is protected from leakage.
To identify threats to confidential information, as well as to determine the necessary and sufficient measures to ensure the security of information, we offer you our services for Information Security Audit and the development of a system for protecting confidential information.
Information protection is an activity aimed at preventing the leakage of protected information, unauthorized and unintentional impacts on protected information.
Protection of information from leakage – protection of information aimed at preventing the uncontrolled dissemination of protected information as a result of its disclosure and unauthorized access to it, as well as at the exclusion (difficulty) of obtaining protected information by [foreign] intelligence agencies and other interested parties.
Protected information – information that is the subject of property and subject to protection by the requirements of legal documents or the requirements established by the owner of the information.
Information [data] security is the state of security of information [data], which ensures its [their] confidentiality, availability, and integrity.
ГОСТ Р 50922-2006 «Защита информации. Основные термины и определения»1